Sept. 12 2012
I’ve just reread the last update from July 20 and I have to laugh because I can almost recycle it. Much of what I wrote then is true today.
The clear coat sealer went on the new decks yesterday so that project is finally done. Capt. Johne has been unable to say no when people come and ask for help, so he has continued working on several other boats while trying to get things done on Second Star.
I have been to, and returned from, my family “Beach week”. Now we are getting ready to leave Isla Mujeres (no, for real this time). The plan is much the same as it was in July. Cuba, Grand Cayman, Providencia, San Andreas and then Panama. We expect to be in Panama in a couple of months, and to stay there until it seems like it’s time to move on again.
I’m looking forward to the Captain taking a much needed break from working so hard. The time in Cuba should be pretty quiet. Lots of rest. Some snorkeling, fishing, diving, etc. A little time for small projects (always some work to be done). But mostly down time.
I will keep logs as we go and post when we get to a good internet connection. The blog will get more exciting again now that we’ll be traveling.
Stay well and, as always, live your dreams,
Susie aeon
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