Mar 5 ‘13 1315hrs
Today I have a couple of fun the-things-we-cruisers-get-excited-about stories to share.
First let me say, there are certain things you get use to having but can’t always find when you’re cruising. So, before you leave “civilization” , you stock up. But, even if you stock up a lot, eventually you still run out. For me, one of those things is un-stinky laundry detergent. In Latin America all the laundry detergent is heavily perfumed. And, before we left Mexico, I was running out of my “free and clear”. I found some detergent in Isla Mujeres that only stunk a little. It wasn’t my preference, but I could live with it. But now I’ve run out of that and everything they have here reeks. So, last week, when a friend and fellow cruiser was going to the city and asked if there was anything I needed her to bring me, I said if she saw any detergent with no perfume that would be great.
I hadn’t thought about it again until I got back to the boat after welcoming her back and visiting about her trip. While we were chatting she had said “I have a little something for you. I don’t know where it is. When I unpack I’ll give it to you.” That’s nice, I thought at the time. But sitting back on Second Star I remembered asking for the detergent. I got so excited. Could she have found it? Then I had to laugh at myself (really, you’re that excited about laundry detergent?) and admonish myself (it might not be the detergent. Don’t get too excited.) But sure enough, I have a bottle of Purex free and clear and (you can laugh if you want) it’s really exciting.
The other funny thing was; There is a pair of sisters in David that have a delivery service here. We’ve used them to get argon for Johnes welding. Today we were meeting the truck to exchange argon bottles. Just before the ferry was pulling into the dock the cruisers started to gather. When the truck pulled off the ferry they clustered around the back of it, waiting to get their deliveries. Watching them, looking so eager, made me think (sing along with me here) “Oh ho the Wells Fargo wagon is a comin’ down the street. Oh please let it be for me.”
Maybe I can combine these exciting things and get the truck to bring me more laundry detergent. Ah, dare to dream.
Susie aeon
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