Saturday, January 23, 2016


                                              Jan 22 2016
Greetings loved ones,

Here we are almost a month into the new year and life continues to be fun and busy. After the trip to Monterrey it was time to get ready for the holidays, our solstice party and the string of company we had coming. We had the party on Dec 21st and, as usual, it was a blast with lots of interesting friends, old and new. Ava and Mike  (friends from Ft. Myers) came down on the 22nd and Janet  (who lived and traveled with us for four months last year) arrived on the 23rd. Sharon joined us for Christmas eve and the six of us had a wonderful lobster dinner on the aft deck. 

Ava and Mike left Christmas day but we had the pleasure of Janet's company until the 5th. During that time we enjoyed several great meals, some fabulous music, catch-up visiting and fireworks on New Year's Eve.
Janet left on the 5th and Jeni and Bill arrived on the 6th. It was a brief but fun visit with a trip out on Second Star to see the turtles and for Jeni to catch what she is sure was a sail fish (although it got away before we could see it to know for sure). On the 9th Jeni and Bill left and Capt Johne went to AZ to visit the Nolans and meet his youngest grandson.

He returned on the 13th and now we're just getting back into "normal" (whatever that means) mode. The weather here has been rough for paradise. With one norther after another we've had high winds and/or stormy conditions for much of the last three weeks. But no complaints. Life is good. 

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