Friday, November 28, 2014

Adventures with Immigration

                                                                    Nov 28 2014

          We had a happy Thanksgiving aboard Second Star. It started with a very pleasant passage from Las Salinas across the bay to Barahona. There was a rolling swell but it wasn’t too big and it was a following sea which is so much more comfortable. The weather was beautiful. Capt. Johne and I got to see a sperm whale resting on the surface. We could see part of its back and every so often it would blow. The book said they dive deep then they’ll rest on the surface for a while to catch their breath before diving again. When we first saw it we thought it might be a big log because it was just something big floating in the water up ahead. But as we got closer and could see the shape better, and see when it blew, we could tell it was in fact a whale.

          When we arrived in Barahona the officials came out right away to check our paper work. We thought we had everything in order but as it turns out when we’d last renewed our visas we had thought they’d done them for three months but they’d only done a one month extension. So we were, technically, in the country illegally. The Immigration official started to get his back up and it looked for a moment like it might be quite expensive for us to get out of trouble. But Johne is VERY good at being diplomatic in these situations and with some good schmoozing and ass kissing the official turned from foe to friend and has helped us get back on the right side of Dominican law.

          After that we had an awesome dinner of turkey sandwiches with fresh cranberry sauce that I had made, a wonderful salad that Janet made and mince and pumpkin pies for dessert. We all had fun trying to explain to Alexis what Thanksgiving is all about and why it’s on the fourth Thursday in Nov instead of on a date. For me Thanksgiving has always been a time for family to get together over way too much food so it was fun to share our meal last night with our growing Second Star family.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

More Crew

                                                                   Nov 6 2014
          Well, our Second Star family continues to grow. Our friend Janet, who is a professional musician we know from St Thomas, has come to spend an undetermined amount of time traveling with us. She used to live aboard a boat and missed the lifestyle. She’s brought her guitar so we’ll be singing our way westward.

          The last parts we’ve been waiting for came today so, if all goes well with installation, we’re hoping to be on the move again this Sunday. We’ll be making several more stops in Dominican Republic and then a couple in Haiti. I’m looking forward to having more adventures to report, and to seeing how our new crew members blend into our life. So far it’s going great. Alexis is learning a lot and working hard. Janet is a big help in the galley and with any projects I need or want a hand with. Alexis still goes home at night but as of Saturday he’ll be move aboard. (Is this boat getting smaller?)
I’ve had to do a bit of rearranging and purging so that neither the VIP nor the fore peak is a big storage area. Usually one, the other or both are piled with what-do-we-do-with-this stuff. We’ve pawned some stuff off on Alexis’s family and, whatever they can’t use or don’t want, they can sell, donate or throw away, as they see fit. Hopefully most of it will go to better use than when it was stuffed under our berths.

Until the next report…
