26 Feb 2009 0028 hrs GMT
Lat 24º 34.95' N Long 81º 48.21' W
At anchor Key West Florida
Wind 15.7 knots ENE
Sea State -Light Chop
Air Temp 69.6ºF Barometer 30.14
Watched both the sunrise and the sunset today. Both beautiful. Looking due west out the aft cabin door is the moon, a silver crescent with dusky disc 10º above the horizon and Venus 15º above that.
This morning I cleaned the carburetor on the 9.9 hp Mercury outboard on Tink. It was running very rough and each time we went into Key West I would make a note to correct the problem. Well this morning while Harry replaced the control manifold on the water maker I did it. Runs much better.
Water maker still no producing water. No leaks but we can't get the high pressure pump to fully prime. Tomorrow morning I am going to put a circulation pump in line to see if the extra boost makes the difference. If not I need to call our friend Ralph to bring me out some water. I did get a hot shower this evening but I don't think there is much left.
Captain Avner (of the Key West Express) came for lunch this afternoon. He was delivering some aluminum parts from Ken idle in Ft. Myers for our anchor. Harry, aeon and I went to town just before noon to exchange a part and use the internet while we waited for the ferry and Captain Avner. Had a very wet ride in the dingy back to Second Star for lunch and a visit. Harry and aeon got packed to take the ferry up to Ft. Myers with Avner. It is good to have friends. Aeon should be back in a few days and I expect Harry by next Wednesday or Thursday if the weather improves for a crossing of the Gulf Stream to Cabo San Antonio Cuba.
At 1530 hrs (local) we all loaded in Tink for another wet ride back to Key West. Made the worse by a strong ebb tide that caused to gulf to set up in nasty little waves. Avner went straight to the ferry, while we went to Dante's and sat in the sun to dry off. Just before 1700 hrs I walked with aeon and Harry to the ferry terminal where we said our good-byes.
Without Tink being loaded to the gunnels she and I made short (and dry) work of the 1.8 NM back to Second Star. Which brings me back to the moon which now is settling towards the horizon. The channel marks are flashing red and green off the port stern quarter, Second Star rest at anchor in the pale illumination of her anchor light and the stars are filling the sky. Life is good.
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