27 Feb 2009 1930 hrs GMT
Lat 24º 34.95' N Long 81º 48.21' W
At anchor Key West Florida
Wind 14.3 knots E
Sea State -Light Chop
Air Temp 75.9ºF Barometer 30.02 and falling
One more day left in February. Got up this morning alone on Second Star. Had a cup of tea and a bowl of cereal with Eve on the aft deck. Nice sunrise. Did the morning boat chores: clean the litter box, feed Eve her daily treat, cleaned and vacuumed. Turned my attentions to a small fuel found a lose clamp on a fuel connection line. Tightened it up and started the generator to charge the batteries.
Went to work adding a boost pump to the inlet water side of the water maker. When I tested it it made a positive difference but not enough pressure. I need a larger pump. Called HRO for a replacement impeller for the original pump and found out that the pump has been superseded with a newer version (read more expensive $970). Spent the middle part of the day searching for a replacement. So far no joy.
At 1620 local time while I was waiting for Ralph to call about meeting in Key West for a beer a Donzi center console pulled along side the port stern quarter with three paramilitary types . Two armed officers jump aboard without requesting permission. When I approached them one stated they were here to inspect Second Star for MSD (marine sanitation device=toilet) compliance. I am glad aeon wasn't onboard, heavily armed and armored officers checking out our toilets would have been very hard on her. After ascertaining that our toilets were legal they reviewed the ships documents and safety gear. Second Star stood their muster and was issued an inspection form marked in compliance. I am sure there are multiple opportunities for humor here.
I ran Tink into Key West and met Ralph. It was to late to check with the local electrical distributor for replacement parts for the water maker. I will go to Home Depot tomorrow and see what they have. Ralph is bringing me another load of water tomorrow on his way to go fishing.
The long range weather forecast still has us closed out for a crossing of the Gulf Stream. Mid to late next week would be the earliest we can hope for.
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