Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 3 Log Entry

03 Mar 2009 2310 hrs GMT (almost sunset) 1810 hrs local
Lat 24º 34.95' N Long 81º 48.21' W
At anchor Key West Florida Man O War Harbor
Wind 22.3 knots N by NW
Sea State – 1' to 2' - Beaufort 6
Air Temp 59.1ºF Barometer 30.19 ↑
Clear, a few clouds low on the western horizon, sunset alert

Slept soundly through the night. First time since arriving in Key West. Felt very refreshed when I arose 0615. aeon called me at 0710 from the pump aisle of Home Depot in Ft. Myers. I described the boost pump we needed and she purchased it. Alison Roeder was be aeon's chauffeur and then delivered aeon and the pump to the Key West ferry.

The morning was filled with boat chores. I stripped the beds, gathered up all the towels, dirty clothes, etc. and prepared to do laundry. Loaded the washing machine and turned it on. Damn, something is amiss and I don't know what, but it will require removing the washer from the rack. It is a job that is much easier with two people so no laundry today.

The main bilge needed rearranging, so I emptied all the inventory out and set up to reload the bilge after I have scrubbed and rinsed the bottom. It got a load of wash water emptied into the last time we did laundry and forgot to open the thru hull. At least it is soapy clean water and not diesel fuel or sewage.

I mounted the mirrors in the master stateroom and in the master head. Two more items off the to do list. Then I made drawer fasteners to lock the tool drawers while under way. Thus replace the trusty bungee cord which was the temporary fix.

Aeon called from the ferry to announce their arrival at the sea buoy. I put up my tools and gathered gear to run the dingy into Key West. As I was motoring in I saw the ferry enter the channel for the marina. Good timing, I would arrive about the time aeon would be disembarking. The phone rang in my backpack as I was docking the dingy I had to ignore it. By the time I got tied up and on the dock aeon arrived looking lovely and carrying the all important pump.

It was a wet ride back to Second Star. What with the wind and the waves full on the bow we both got soaked (at least where our foul weather jackets didn't cover). Make note to invent wiper blades for dark glasses.

Aeon and I spent a leisurely afternoon aboard. Having lunch, chatting and a nice snuggle and nap.

The sun is almost down and lights are coming on all around us and on shore. Mixed up a sour dough start on Sunday, it should be ready to make bread tonight. Mmmm fresh sour dough baguette tomorrow.

A side note to the log: Harry's father is dieing. He has been very sick for a long time. Congestive heart failure, diabetes and now renal failure. Harry called this morning to say that they had put him on a morphine drip, it appears his passing is imminent.
Harry had hoped to get to Guatemala and back before his father passed. What with all the delays in departure due to weather and parts for critical systems it seems that the Tao was providing for Harry to be there with his mother and sister attending to his father. I told Harry not to stress; we would not leave without him and that we wanted him to be there with his family.
I am always amazed how the Tao works to provide what you need on your Path. Had we off left on schedule Harry would have been at sea. Now he can be with his father and family and then have the trip to Guatemala for healing.

Now, what's for dinner?

2135 hrs (local)

To answer the dinner question, I prepared a steak on the BBQ to share, while aeon made a salad and boiled red potatoes sliced then lightly tossed in a buttered herbs. We enjoyed a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. All that accompanied by a fire in the fireplace.

On a more somber note Harry's father passed very quickly today. He died a little after 2100 hrs. His passing was quick and peaceful with his family around him. Our thoughts and prayers are with Harry in this time of connecting the ends of circle of life

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