Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 18-20, 2009

20 Mar 2009 0151 hrs GMT 2051 hrs local
Lying a hull 2 miles to the south of Queens Cays Belize
Wind 2.9 knots E
Sea State – calm to 1' - Beaufort 2
Air Temp 81.3ºF Barometer 29.97
Partly cloudy

The last 51 hrs have been spent underway. The decision was made to leave Isla Mujeres on the afternoon of the 18th based on our need to be in Guatemala and on a very favorable weather report. The afternoon was spent cleaning and organizing for sea. We hoisted anchor just before 1700 hrs and moved to the fuel docks to take on 360 gallons of diesel. Interesting aside, unlike the pink and blue fuel of the USA the diesel in Mexico is clear. Must be because of the taxes. We cast off lines and started for Guatemala just before 1800 hrs local.

We steamed out of Isla Mujeres anchorage by the small western channel and started to make way down the Mexican coast. Each of us commented on how reluctant we were to leave Isla Mujeres. Aeon and I will be back there after Second Star is painted to spend so time just getting to know the area.

Cancun passed at sunset and looks like a cross between Las Vegas and Miami. The beach front high rises go on mile after mile.

Tulum passed in the pre dawn darkness and sunrise brought mile after mile of white sand beaches with the Mexican scrub pressing hard against the dunes. All along the way there were small fishing villages interspersed with larger towns. Harry kept cell phone contact intermittently for most of the day.

The night was smooth and calm; unlike our previous passages this one seemed almost surreal it was so benign. The weather and the sea state continued with us as we slipped further South. Hour after hour the engines hummed and the coast line spooled by like a rolled up back drop. Sometimes our speed exactly match the small following swells and if you didn’t look at the shore you had the sense of standing still.

As darkness fell we were approaching the Northern border of Belize. Second Star was averaging 7.9 knots on less than 2 gallons per hour. All systems are functioning and we are living on the high seas.

With the addition of our fourth crew member I was able to adjust our deck watches from 1 hr on, 1 hr off , 1 hr on standby to 2 hours on 4 hours off. We are much more rested crew. With the calm sea state I was able to bring the auto pilot online, hence the fourth crew member. Watch is now much improved with the freedom to leave the helm and attend to other duties from time to time.

Sunrise on the 20th found us just North of English Cay Belize. The sea was so calm that I decided to stay outside the reef and pass between it and Turneffe Island. I didn’t call for relief as the crew was tired and I was fully awake. Over the next hour or so Harry then aeon showed up on the bridge. We all commented on how calm the sea was. The day was full of turtles, dolphins, miles of reef and numerous small fishing boats plying the inside of the reef.

After lunch Harry and I did some fishing. I left Harry to attend to some matter when Harry hooked up a very nice yellow fin tuna. Mother ocean just provided us with dinner.

We were making such good progress that when I recalculated our arrival time in Guatemala it was to early in the morning. We hove to mid afternoon to do some snorkeling and some more fishing. Aeon snorkeled all around the boat as we drifted along parallel to the reef and Harry tried to catch grouper. After a couple of hours I moved us on towards the Queen Cays where I hoped to be able to penetrate the reef and anchor for dinner. By the time we arrived at the destination the sun had slipped behind some clouds and I lackerd the visibility to make a safe entrance so we steamed 2 miles offshore and hove to.

The yellow fin was lightly seared in sesame oil, topped with a coconut milk and panang curry sauce, served over rice with a coulisse of papaya, onion, banana, tomato, marinated cucumber and avocado. It was our first fish dinner, fresh caught while underway. Very tasty fare.

Harry and aeon went to bed after dinner and I am catching up on the logs. In about 40 minutes I am rousing aeon, starting the mains and getting underway for Livingston, Guatemala. If I have planned correctly we will arrive around 0800 hrs tomorrow, clear customs and head up the Rio Dulce for Abel’s ship yard.

Aeon has the first watch, followed by myself then Harry. That rotation puts me back when we enter the harbor.

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