22 Mar 2009 0115 hrs GMT 2015 hrs local
Lat 15º 35.65' N Long 89º 00.03' W
At anchor Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Wind 6.9 knots E by ENE
Sea State – dead calm - Beaufort 1
Air Temp 82.4ºF Barometer 29.98
Scattered clouds
This morning was occupied with getting ready to sail from Livingston to Rio Dulce. A trip into town to see the Port Captain and send out some emails at an internet café. Once that was accomplished we headed back to Second Star.
Aeon prepared the bridge while I did the pre start checklist i9n the engine room. Harry got the windlass ready to retrieve the anchor. We had main engines started at 1040 hrs and underway at 1104 hrs.
The trip upriver was stunning. First you pass the headlands and then enter a gorge with vertical walls several hundred feet in height cover in dense jungle. There are birds everywhere. The river twists and turns so there is always some new little alcove or local hose to see.
At one point we had several small swallows trying to enter the trumpets of our horns. It was very entertaining. The trip took about 5 hours to traverse the river into Lago de Izabal. Once we were in the lake we passed under the Rio Dulce bridge and on up to Abel’s boat yard. No one answered the radio so I called another marina owner I had met in Livingston and asked about a slip in his marina. Alas we draught to much but he did recommend that we go back under the bridge and anchor off Bruno’s. He said it was Sunday and Steve the owner would be cooking at the BBQ and to introduce ourselves.
The anchorage was a little tight but we manage a nice position amongst several sail boats, launched Tink and motored to the dinghy dock. As predicted Steve was at the grill, cooking chicken, pork and sausage. We chatted for a bit and received a wealth of local information.
After a walk around the market we ended back at Bruno’s for dinner.
A brief ride in Tink back to Second Start for showers, a run of the watermaker and catching up on the logs.
It has been a long time. Just want you to know you both have been in my thoughts very much. I hope your adventure never ends. It looks wonderful. Well I am back in New England and this is where I should be. My soul is home. Have fun and enjoy life.
I forgot to give you my new email it is smrquilts@gmail.com. Write when you can. I would love to hear from you.
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